Changing face of India

Monday 08th December 2014 17:03 EST

Vulnerable girls and women need to recognise misbehaving elements, and take bold, direct, pragmatic confrontation, which can be deterrent for miscreants.

Following disturbing trends emerged:
- apathy, of fellow passengers. Some tried to convince girls to avoid confrontation.
- police unwillingness to register FIR, which they did only after video went viral.
- villagers blaming girls as hate mongers with history of fights.
- lame defence by culprits, that they were innocent victims of aggression.
- dismissing this incident/assault as politically motivated gimmick.

Award is withheld pending investigation into whether boys are guilty and the girls were right to thrash the delinquents.

The final outcome must not be allowed to intimidate girls or to embolden eve-teasers. Vulnerable females must be encouraged to be vocal and confrontational to safeguard their dignity and safety.

Publicity to this boldness begs question, how many cases go unnoticed by reconciliation behind closed doors, silence of victims, police lethargy, or fear of revenge by miscreants. Male chauvinist hatred of women must be phased out in a modern egalitarian society.
Ramesh Jhalla
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