Ramdev booked for hate speech in Rajasthan

Wednesday 08th February 2023 06:14 EST

After making disparaging comments about Muslims in Rajasthan on February 2, media outlets reported that yoga master Ramdev had been arrested for allegedly inciting animosity and stirring up religious emotions.

According to the police, a first information report was filed against him in Barmer over a complaint filed by a resident named Pathai Khan.

On February 2, Ramdev made the argument that Muslims turn to terrorism and crime because they believe that praying will absolve them of all their sins. Ramdev was speaking to a group of seers in Barmer at the time. “Because that’s what they have been taught...just pray, do whatever else you want to do,” he says. “They became terrorists, and a lot of them become criminals.”

He had added: “Ask a Muslim what your religion says, they will say that read namaaz five times [a day] and then do whatever comes to mind. Whether you kidnap Hindu girls, do whatever sin you want to commit.”

Ramdev had also drawn a parallel with Christians saying they get forgiveness for all their sins by attending church and lighting candles. According to media, Khan alleged in his lawsuit that Ramdev purposely damaged Muslims' feelings by making the remarks in order to incite animosity and hatred toward Islam.

Last week, the Rajasthan Police said Ramdev has been charged with violating Indian Penal Code Sections 153 (promote enmity between groups on the basis of religion), 295A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs), and 298 (uttering, words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person).

The yoga guru is also facing a case in the Supreme Court for derogatory remarks about allopathy and doctors who practice the medical system.

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