India to fence entire 1,643 km-long Myanmar border

Wednesday 07th February 2024 06:07 EST

Union Home Minister Amit Shah said the government has decided to construct a fence along the entire 1643-kilometer-long Indo-Myanmar border to facilitate better surveillance.

In his post on X, Amit Shah said the the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government is committed to building impenetrable borders. “It has decided to construct a fence along the entire 1643-kilometer-long Indo-Myanmar border. To facilitate better surveillance, a patrol track along the border will also be paved,” he said.

“Out of the total border length, a 10 km stretch in Moreh, Manipur, has already been fenced. Furthermore, two pilot projects of fencing through a Hybrid Surveillance System (HSS) are under execution. They will fence a stretch of one km each in Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Additionally, fence works covering approximately 20 km in Manipur have also been approved, and the work will start soon,” he added.

The India-Myanmar border stretches 1,643 km across Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh. The Free Movement Regime (FMR) permits tribal residents within 16 km of the border to travel up to 16 km into the other country without a visa. Each member of the hill tribes, whether an Indian or Myanmar citizen, can cross with a border pass valid for a year, staying up to two weeks.

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