Amnesty International India has welcomed columnist and writer, Aakar Patel, as its new Director. He will head the organisations operations and efforts to end human rights abuses in India and worldwide. He is also the organization's chief political advisor, strategist and spokesperson and will direct the body towards being independent, effective, and deep-rooted in India.
“We are delighted that Aakar Patel will be joining us. Amnesty International India is one of the movement's three national offices, set up to increase our impact in countries with growing global influence which continue to face human rights challenges. Aakar's commitment to human rights in his journalism and writing positions him perfectly to take on this important role,” Senior Director of Global Operations at Amnesty International, Minar Pimple said.
Aakar said, “Amnesty International India has a terrific team that does vital work. I am proud and honoured to be working with them.” Aakar Patel has written columns for publications in India and Pakistan. He has authored “India: Low Trust Society” (2015) and co-authored “Rights and Wrongs”, a report on the 2002 Gujarat riots.