
Tuesday 03rd May 2016 19:07 EDT


March 21 - April 20

Saturn and your ruling planet Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar ninth house. This house in your chart signifies higher learning and expanding your horizons but Saturn here restricts and impedes your progress. You will go through a mental tug-of-war but you will emerge the wiser for your experience.


April 21st - May 21

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar eight house. This house in your chart signifies joint resources, alimony, taxes, insurance and deep emotions. The presence of these two planets  can indicate re-assessing how well you manage others' resources. During this cycle you also need to deal with deep rooted emotions regarding your sexual relationships.


May 22 - June 21

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Seventh house. This house in your chart signifies partnerships and relationships and as you have two retrograde planets, relationships with others are very significant now.  This is a good time to re-assess relationships and those built on weak foundations have to go. This is a time to grow spiritually and be more independent.


June 22nd - July 22

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Sixth house. This house in your chart signifies health, work and daily routine. You need to re-assess your health as this is a good time for starting new healthy regimes as exercising, eating nutritious food and generally re-organizing your daily schedule.


July 23 - August 23

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Fifth house. This house in your chart signifies creativity in your chart, you might initially feel restricted and confined in expressing yourself.  You will re-evaluate your talents express yourself in a more practical, useful manner.  Romances will also go through a tough time.


August 24 - September 23

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Fourth house. This house in your chart signifies home and property. During this retrograde cycle, you are working on establishing your identity and exploring your roots.  These two planets have a powerful and life-changing influence on ones life. This is a learning process but at the same time there will emerge a structure to your life.


September 24 - October 23rd

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Third house. This is a good time to learn to network with people around you and at the same time gain information. You will at first struggle to structure your time and effort but soon learn to manage time to suit your lifestyle.


October 24 - November 22

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Second house. Use this transit for getting yourself onto solid financial ground. Work out budgets and be sensible in spending your money. Financial success will be steady rather than remarkable . Have patience as business matters move slowly or get delayed.


November 23 - December 21

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar house. This house in your chart signifies your personal self.  Confusion and frustration reign, so work on plans sensibly. During this transit your outlook on life changes as you adopt a more mature and responsible attitude. At times progress may be slow but don’t let that bother you.


December 22 - January 20

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar twelfth house. This house in your chart signals the end of a cycle. You need to tie up loose ends and finish with the past that has plagued you.  You will go through a transformation which will test you but you will be the better for it.


January 21 - February 19

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Eleventh house. This house in your chart signifies friendships and the role you play in other people’s lives.  During this transit your ruler Saturn is in tug of war with Mars it would serve you well if you spend more time listening than speaking.


February 20 - Mar 20

Saturn and Mars are retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Both these planets are now transiting your solar Tenth house. During this retrograde transit you will shoulder immense responsibilities and work very hard. Now is your chance to build a secure foundation in your professional life. Take care not to take on too much at any given time.  It is important for you to remain focused.

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