The Gita For Children

Shefali Saxena Saturday 23rd July 2022 03:53 EDT

The Gita For Children is an accessible friend, philosopher and guide, designed to, reassure, empower, and provide direction to young readers in an increasingly chaotic and morally topsy-turvy world.


The first adaptation of the Bhagavad Gita for children is going to be published in the UK. The book is particularly relevant to a British audience since the Indian diaspora is the largest ethnic group after the white population – totalling 1.4 million people, or 2.5% of the overall British population. In addition, Hindus are the third largest religious group.


The Bhagavad Gita has been on India’s must-read list for an incredible 2500 years (at the very least), and with good reason. Secular, liberal, and unfailingly compassionate towards human frailty, the divine song is a call to war against the most powerful and dangerous enemy of all – the one that lives inside our heads. Roopa Pai’s spirited, one-of-a-kind retelling of the epic conversation between Pandava prince Arjuna and his mentor and friend Krishna is the best introduction to the Bhagavad Gita. Lucid, thought-provoking and brimming with fun trivia, this book will stay with you long after you have turned the last page.


Speaking exclusively to Asian Voice, Roopa said, “What is the Bhagavad Gita? Many things to many people, but I like to think of it as (1) the oldest self-help book in the world, and (2) India’s book of answers to humankind’s most existential questions – questions that never really go away, no matter where you live, which gods you worship, what the colour of your skin is, which historical era you are from, or how old you are. Questions like – What is the purpose of my life? How can I ensure that I make good decisions and choices? How come I’m not happier even though I have everything that I need? Can I ever stop feeling overwhelmed by everything that is going on in the world? That is what makes the Gita eternally relevant, the reason it has stayed on bestseller lists for over 2500 years.


She further said, “What makes the Gita compelling and approachable, on the other hand, especially for young people, who trust far more the counsel of their peers than of their elders, is that it is essentially a conversation between two best friends, one of whom (Arjuna) is having a very hard time making the right decision, and the other (Krishna) who is talking him through it. Krishna is the friend every young person needs and longs for – he is wise, non-judgmental, compassionate, and always has your back, no matter what course of action you eventually pick.”


“Overall, the Gita is a text that will not only help South Asian youngsters connect with their own heritage and the world-view of the culture they come from, but also be a steadfast friend and guide to help weather the storms of growing up,” Roopa added.    

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