A rare early 13th-century Islamic coin bearing the name of Sultan Mu’izz al-Din Muhammad - is going to be aucitoned in London on October 22. It is estimated to fetch between £2,00,000 and £3,00,000. Made of pure gold, the coin is said to be issued by Muhammad Ghori. Specialist auctioneers Morton and Eden will lead the auction. Stephen Lloyd, director of Morton & Eden, told The Times of India, "This outstanding, large gold coin is of significant historical importance to the Islamic world and especially to India. This is because the man who issued it, Mu’izz al-Din, is credited as having laid the foundations for subsequent centuries of Muslim rule in the Indian subcontinent. This is a truly special coin. It was struck to celebrate and acknowledge the power and greatness of Mu’izz al-Din at the height of his achievements in India.” The report also claims that this will be the first time the coin has been seen at public auction, having been in a European private collection for decades.