Punjabi Society hosts awards evening as part of its 90th anniversary

Wednesday 26th September 2018 07:22 EDT

On Wednesday 5th September 2018, The Punjabi Society of British Isles (Founded 1928) hosted an awards evening at The House of Commons as part of its 90th Year anniversary celebrations. The society normally recognises individuals at their annual Charity Dinner and Dance event, for ‘Excellence and Achievements’ in chosen vocations, but this year decided to hold the event at the prestigious and historical parliament buildings since it is a milestone celebratory year.

Award recipients this year were:

- Dr. Pooja Dassan – Consultant Neurologist

- Mr. Randeep Singh Lall – Founder, Trustee and Global Operating Director for Nishkam SWAT

- Mr. Sunil Lamba – Restaurateur (Laguna)

- Mr. Rajinder Singh Makkar – UK Property Developer & Investor

- Mr. Ravinder Singh Sidhu – CEO Khalsa Aid

- Sir Professor Tejinder Singh Virdee – Experimental Particle Physicist and Professor of Physics

- Des Pardes Newspaper – UK’s longest established Punjabi Weekly Newspaper. 

There were almost 100 attendees at the event, which was hosted by the society along with the Honourable Seema Malhotra (MP) who is also an Honorary Patron of the society. Dr. Onkar Sahota, Member London Assembly and also an Honorary patron of the society was also present to hand out the awards along with Seema Malhotra. 

The society prides itself as being the longest established organisation in the UK of its kind and has been actively supporting several charities in UK and abroad. The 90th anniversary celebrations were continued at the Annual Dinner and Dance held on Saturday 15th September in West London, where £4000 was raised for ‘Noah’s Ark’ a North London Children’s Hospice.

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