Being active, taking emotional well-being seriously

Monday 23rd September 2019 13:13 EDT

On Friday, 20th September, Cllr Ketan Sheth, the Lead Governor of the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) hosted an event around emotional wellbeing with Inner Space. Close to 100 members attended the event with spiritual discussions by Sister Jayanti, European Director of the Brahma Kumaris, Ozkan Gedik senior CBT Therapist and Priya Rajendran CBT therapist.

Rajendran spoke about Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme (IAPT) and mentioned that in the past year over one million people have accessed these services. She also noted how Brent Talking Therapies Service offers a range of support, some of which can be accessed online, over the phone for direct self referral or through a GP.

Brent has over 335,000 people from many cultures, religions and ethnicities with over 149 languages spoken in its schools in its borough.Yet, people are challenged around emotional and mental well-being owing to a stressed work life balance and fast-paced technology-led culture.

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